martes, 15 de diciembre de 2009


Hola Compañeros del grupo 1o.A
Nos estaremos comunicando a travéz de este blog y compartiremos informaciòn referente a la materia de inglés.
Comenzaremos a ejercitar el listening y lo haremos de la siguiente manera:
1.- escuhar la melodia las veces que desees
2.- Intenta pronunciar o cantar la canción a mismo tiempo que la escuchas
3.- Busca en un diccionario las palabras que no conozcas
4.-Si te aprendes la melodia seria de mayor beneficio
5.- Identifica oraciones o frases completas que utilizes o que puedas utilizar en tu vocabulario normal
6.- Utilizalas en tus conversaciones cotidianas.
La primer melodia es: More than words
da click en la siguiente dirección para que puedas ver el video
copia la letra en tu libreta o fotocopiala, busca tambien las palabras desconocidas y anotalas tambièn, en clase se hará evaluación para corroborar que trabajaste la canción

Saying 'I love you'Is not the words I want to hear from you.It’s not that I want youNot to say, but if you only knewHow easy it would be to show me how you feel.More than words is all you have to doTo make it real.Then you wouldn’t have to say that you love me'Cos I’d already know.What would you do if my heart was torn in two?More than words to show you feelThat your love for me is real.What would you say if I took those words away?Then you couldn’t make things newJust by saying 'I love you'.More than words.Now I’ve tried to talk to youAnd make you understand.All you have to do is close your eyesAnd just reach out your hands and touch me.Hold me close, don’t ever let me go.More than words is all I everNeeded you to show.Then you wouldn’t have to say that you love me'Cos I’d already know.What would you do if my heart was torn in two?More than words to show you feelThat your love for me is real.What would you say if I took those words away?Then you couldn’t make things newJust by saying ' I love you'.More than words.

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